
How to Maintain Weight Loss After Stopping Ozempic and Other Obesity Medications

How to maintain weight loss after ozempic and the obesity medication

How to maintain weight loss after stopping Ozempic and other obesity medications is the BIG question. The latest studies show that, on average, the weight comes back once a person stops taking the medication. It’s unreasonable to think that someone would stay on a drug indefinitely, so at that point, are there other options available to that person?

In a recent episode of Causes or Cures, I chat with cardiologist, physician-scientist and CEO of Fractyl Health Dr. Harith Rajagopalan about solutions his company is developing for the problem of keeping weight off after someone stops taking the obesity/weight loss medication, such as Ozempic. Dr. Rajagopalan explains the issue of weight rebound after stopping the medication, and describes two new therapies Fractyl Health is developing that would allow a person to sustain weight loss without the need for ongoing medication. He also provides an overview of the multifaceted approach necessary for tackling obesity and offers a unique perspective on chronic disease.

Now…some of you reading this are probably rolling your eyes and saying, “They just need to exercise and eat right!” I understand that sentiment, especially as someone who gets up and works out every morning and eats very healthy, but that simply doesn’t work for everyone. That’s not to demotivate anyone from doing those things. Heck, they SHOULD do those things even if they take obesity medication, but the reality of the situation is that a lot of people, for whatever the reason, will not drop weight by trying to follow the “diet and exercise” advice. We can dive into that on a future podcast (the whys) but the excess weight they aren’t dropping is putting them at risk for serious health consequences. Hence, and given the skyrocketing rates of obesity in our country, I believe there is a space for medication. Unfortunately the medication is expensive, so what it is actually doing currently is widening obesity-related health disparities: the rich are getting it, the poor are not. That’s not cool and we should actively try to change that since it’s harder for poor people to afford healthcare or lose wages due to poor health.

Alright, back to how to maintain weight loss after stopping Ozempic and other obesity medications…please tune in to the episode here! It’s really interesting, and it will give you a more detailed understanding of the causes and effects of obesity, and make you consider things you’ve never considered before. That’s the beauty of bringing these top doctors on the podcast–you hear it STRAIGHT from the experts doing the actual research.

Once you listen, please consider leaving a review/rating. And let me know your thoughts on my social media pages ( X, Facebook, Insta) or even over email. Oh, this podcast will also be posted on my Youtube channel, if it is easier for you to go there and listen.

After you listen to this one on how to maintain weight loss after the obesity medication , definitely check out this one on the fasting-mimicking diet which is getting a ton of interest and new listeners!


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