Short Notes & Personal Essays

A Sweet Pause


Sometimes my small-town sidewalk conversations get me in trouble, but most of the time they turn out alright and even more than alright. A long time ago, I stopped on the sidewalk to chat with a family because their dog looked a lot like mine. Mine, Barnaby…theirs, Oakley. As we learned more and more about […]

Bouncing Back from a Breakdown: An Honest Approach

Bouncing Back from a Breakdown

Is bouncing back from a breakdown completely even possible? I think so-though your shell will be tougher. By: Dr.Eeks Bouncing back from a breakdown isn’t easy. In addition to restoring your mental and physical health, you will need to potentially restore your reputation, relationships, job or school status and perhaps most importantly, a healthy view […]

A Meaningless Encounter with a Stranger? So I thought…

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Did you ever meet a random stranger, smile politely, make friendly chitchat, go through the rehearsed motions of civility, casually end the conversation and walk away…, happy the encounter is over, happy to be on your way, while thinking you’ll never see or talk to that person again? We all have. And have you ever […]

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