
Mary Lou Falcone: Love, Loss & a Soulmate with Lewy Body Dementia

Mary Lou Falcone

Mary Lou Falcone recently came on the Causes or Cures Podcast to talk about her new memoir, which I had the pleasure of reading. The book includes artwork by her late husband, Nicky Zann.

Mary Lou is an internationally renowned music publicist who worked with some of the world’s biggest music stars, including James Taylor, Van Cliburn, and Renee Fleming. Her book, I Didn’t See it Coming, takes readers on an emotional journey filled with love, romance, sex, and profound loss. She shares her experiences as a caretaker, first for her sick father during her childhood and later for her soulmate, Nicky Zann—a 1950s rock ‘n’ roller turned world-famous cartoonist and illustrator who battled Lewy Body Dementia until his passing. Part of her motivation for writing the book was to raise awareness about Lewy Body Dementia.

In the podcast, Mary Lou vividly recounts the early signs that something was wrong with Nicky, the series of doctor visits and tests that led to his diagnosis, and how she cared for him in his final years. She also explains how Lewy Body Dementia differs from more commonly known dementias, such as Alzheimer’s Disease.

Please tune in to the episode here. I really enjoyed this conversation and found Mary Lou quite pleasant and entertaining to chat with.

In addition to this great episode with Mary Lou Falcone, check out this one here with longevity expert, Dr. Valter Longo,  on the fasting-mimicking diet and how it may slow down the biological clock and lower the risk of age-related diseases.

Thanks for tuning in to the podcast! I love all my listeners and appreciate all the support. :)  Eeks.



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