
3 Tips for Fighting Mental Fatigue

By: Loui Reed

Not scientifically reviewed by Dr. Eeks

Mental exhaustion appears to be an all too common feeling these days, with 54% of the participants of a recent survey saying they were mentally fatigued. Mentally exhausted people often feel mentally drained, leading to depression down the line. Many symptoms, including a lack of pleasure, sleep, anxiety, frustration, and a lack of focus or concentration, characterize this state of mental health, affecting almost every aspect of daily living. If you often experience mental drain or exhaustion, learning to deal with it once and for all will help you regain control of your life. Here are some effective tips for fighting mental fatigue.


1. Take a break

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Regardless of what you’re going through, permit yourself to take a step back from everything. Whether you’re dealing with work pressure, stress, or other challenging life events, taking a mental health break will ensure that you don’t completely break down. Experts advise that now more than ever, it’s important to take at least one mental health break every month to recuperate and recharge. So, what do you do on such a break? You can do anything that disconnects you from your stressors. For example, if you’ve worked for too long without any break or leave period, consider taking a couple of days off away from work. If it’s impossible to take a leave from work, consider a micro-break instead. You can shut your eyes for an hour, take a nap, or go for a short walk. Constantly dwelling on your worries or working non-stop will only worsen your exhaustion, making you unproductive and affecting your work quality. 


2. Self-care and medication

You cannot ignore the role self-care plays in any daily routine when it comes to your mental well-being. It’s crucial that you do all you can to stay away from stress to protect your mental health and alleviate mental strain. You can add so many activities to your self-care routine, including meditation, relaxing hobbies, frequent exercise, and a healthy diet. But you can also consider effective medication with guidance from your doctor. Most health professionals typically prescribe such medication together with therapy and lifestyle changes aimed at comprehensively addressing any underlying causes and symptoms of mental exhaustion. While there isn’t a specific medication approved for mental fatigue, medications that regulate mood and improve cognitive abilities are often helpful. They could include options like an antidepressant or a PRL-8-53 solution, effective against brain fatigue. 


3. Stay organized 

Experts have identified clutter as one of the main culprits when it comes to mental fatigue. A cluttered or disorganized space can increase cognitive overload, leading to an extra production of the stress hormone cortisol. Too much cortisol can lead to more stress, weight gain, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, and, more noticeably, mood swings. The latter mostly manifests as anxiety, depression, and irritability. So, if you live in a cluttered home or work from a disorganized space, it’s time you do some cleanup and rearrangement. Keeping your immediate surroundings tidy and organized can help reduce mental fatigue and improve your cognitive ability. That, in turn, will help you ward off mental fatigue or exhaustion.

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