Tag Archives | global health

A Highly Transmissible HIV Variant in the Netherlands

Highly Transmissible HIV Variant

A highly transmissible HIV variant was recently discovered in the Netherlands. Scientists expect it arose in the late 1990s and has been infecting people for years. We are bombarded with news about different variants of COVID-19 and whether new variants will be more deadly or more infectious. This recent discovery gives us more insight into […]

Havana Syndrome and a CIA Officer

Havana Syndrome

  Episode 79 of my podcast is with a former CIA officer who has Havana Syndrome. Havana Syndrome is a mysterious illness that was first identified in Havana, Cuba in 2016. A group of American diplomats heard a strange sound and then became very ill. Their symptoms included ringing in the ears, dizziness, nausea and […]

Measles Outbreak in Cameroon & Elsewhere

Measles Outbreak in Cameroon

There is a measles outbreak in Cameroon, mostly in kids of fighters fleeing Boko Haram terrorist, causing the country to ramp up vaccination.  Approximately 100 vaccination teams have been deployed to try to vaccinate 67,000 at-risk kids. The government said that several dozen measles infections have been reported in the past 2 weeks, but most […]

Poisonous Turtle Meat Kills Seven

Poisonous Turtle Meat

  Seven people died after eating poisonous turtle meat on Tanzania’s Pemba Island, causing authorities to ban eating turtles in the area.  A three-year old child is one of the dead, and at the time of this report, others remain in the hospital. Getting sick from eating poisonous turtle meat is called chelonitoxism. No one […]

An Antidepressant for COVID? Cheap & Effective?

Antidepressant for COVID

  An antidepressant for COVID that is both cheap and effective?!? As unlikely as that sounds, there is some evidence gathering in its favor. A large, randomized controlled trial (part of the TOGETHER Trial) was published in the Lancet that showed that individuals with COVID-19 who had at least 1 underlying high-risk condition and took […]

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