Have you ever considered attending a psychedelic retreats? Maybe getting healthier wasn’t your motivation, but did you ever consider the health benefits of psychedelic retreats? It might seem odd- particularly if you are schooled in the “Drugs are Bad” and “Just Say No” approaches to drugs-but today, serious, respected academic institutions are studying psychedelic medications. And apparently, they are also studying psychedelic retreats, which you’ll hear more about in the podcast episode. :)
On a recent episode of Causes or Cures, I chatted with Dr. Lorenzo Pasquini and Hannes Kettner about their research on the effects of psychedelics in older adults who attended psychedelic retreats. They delve into their shared interest in exploring psychedelics as a potential avenue for improving mental health and well-being in this population, where better treatments are urgently needed. The conversation covers their research process, details about the psychedelic retreats attended by participants, and the substances used. They also share key outcomes related to participants’ health and well-being and discuss exciting future directions for their work.
Dr. Pasquini is Assistant Professor of Neurology at UCSF whose research focuses on the brain’s role in emotional states and social behavior. Using neuroimaging and neurophysiological techniques, he explores how these systems change with aging, neuropsychiatric diseases, and novel interventions like psychedelics. Hannes Kettner is a researcher and PhD candidate at the Centre for Psychedelic Research, Department of Brain Sciences at Imperial College, London.
Please keep in mind that this episode is a discussion about research and not an endorsement for psychedelic retreats. If you are interested in attending one, I would definitely do your homework: read reviews, ask for recommendations, perhaps discuss with your doctor if you have underlying issues…you know, just be smart about it. :)
Personally, I’d love to go with my parents to a psychedelic retreat, although my parents rarely deviate from their house-to-work routine, so I think I have a better shot of bringing the psychedelic retreat to them. ;) Anyhow, tune in to the episode HERE!
And shifting gears, somewhat, from magic shrooms to regular shrooms…if you haven’t listened to my episode on Ergothioneine with medical herbalist Lee Carroll yet, please do! I think you’ll love it, especially if you eat a lot of mushrooms. :)
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