In “Life in Anecdotes” I share anecdotes from my life and made the corresponding images using AI. Enjoy. ;)
My building’s elevator is like a slow ride in a tight, hot, moist armpit that has captured the worst smells in the city. I want to hit the alarm so someone can kill me.
At an invite-only birthday party for a dog, a guy told me that his dog recently knocked up another dog, and his only wish was that she was good-looking. I responded, “Well…what if she has a good personality?????” (Filed Under “We All Anthropomorphize Here.”)
I once asked a woman with schizophrenia to describe the voices she heard. She said they were “like whispers of love.” I remember thinking, “Dang, my inner critic should take notes.” Fast forward to today and inspired by that conversation, I decided to make the best of my ear echo: I’m giving myself compliments so I can hear them twice and enjoy a double dose of self-love.
People say I’m not an optimist but when I see a puddle on the apartment floor, my first thought is “Ectoplasm!” not that I spilled something.
I had apple pie in the sky hopes but it turned out to be shepherd’s pie.