By: Nadia Ho
Not scientifically reviewed by Dr. Eeks
There are certain persons who appear to be immune to adversity. They’ve always had money, have a stable job, a great relationship and have never been sick. Isn’t it true that we despise these people? Kidding. Because, surprise, folks who constantly appear to be in good spirits have exactly as many problems as you have. They might hide them better, but it’s also true that some people are better at dealing with stressful situations than others.
Don’t be too harsh on yourself, because everyone is susceptible to stress, sadness, economic uncertainty, and physical concerns. However, burying your head in the sand would only make matters worse. Aside from variations in social and life circumstances, the capacity to confront a problem full-on is typically the distinction between those who succeed and those who fail. Start with the difficult stuff and handle problems before they become bigger problems.
Big Problems Can Easily Become Bigger Problems
Prevention is one of the most important aspects of good health. The second major factor is to deal with minor issues or signs that there are a problem quickly and effectively. If not handled early on, a variety of serious medical concerns might start off modest and grow into major problems. Skin rashes, cognitive loss, loss of sensation, tingling, sexual dysfunction, stomach issues, headaches and other symptoms could indicate something else. Do yourself a favor and bypass google searches, get ahead of the game, and see a doctor as soon as possible.
Minor health problems can cause significant problems if left uncontrolled. Most STIs, for example, can be readily treated with medicines, but if they aren’t, they can lead to mental health problems, infertility, and blindness. Ear infections are very prevalent, but an untreated hearing problems can result in tinnitus, melancholy, balance issues and hearing loss.
The same applies to addictions, the more you leave it the worst it can get. If you feel as though you have an addiction, you should consider tools such as evidence-based health apps, cognitive behavioral therapy or a dual diagnosis treatment center.
You Need To Management A Condition Properly
A health problem, big or small, can strike without warning and have a significant impact on your life. Nevertheless, the more you know about a condition or circumstance, the more you’ll be able to regulate it. Getting the right prescription for epilepsy, for example, might be a trial and error procedure. However, once you’ve sorted everything out, you’ll be able to live a somewhat regular life. Learning how you feel before such an episode, sticking to medication schedules, and staying away from triggers are all important skills to learn. Almost any ailment can be treated in the same way.
Always Live Your Life To The Fullest
Don’t get dragged down. Keep your head held high. Things will be better tomorrow. They are commonly heard expressions. These are mostly expressed by those who have few difficulties or who refuse to admit that problems exist. While no one advises you to be miserable all of the time, being cheerful while dealing with health issues or adversity can be beneficial.
Even if just for a short time, everyday activities like adequate self-care, going to the movies, writing, meditation, laughing, appreciating a beautiful park, or visiting with family or close friends are excellent methods to balance off troubles. The advantages from putting time into yourself will outlast the downsides of not doing it at all.
Writings by Dr. Eeks:
Fluvoxamine for COVID-19: Could be a pandemic gamechanger!