Ashley Tyrner was once a struggling single mom who learned firsthand what it was like to not have access to healthy and affordable foods. This is a common issue affecting thousands and thousands of individuals and families across America. When we think about our country’s health crisis, a laundry list of chronic diseases and rising obesity rates that fuel those chronic diseases, we have to think about where the problem starts. It doesn’t start in the doctor’s office with the doctor reading you off concerning blood values. It starts long before that. It starts at home. It starts with what you’re putting on your plate, how you’re sleeping, if you’re exercising, if you’re controlling your stress levels, if you have access to healthy foods. The basics. When I use the word “holistic”
Often times wellness is presented as a luxury brand: buy this detox formula and you’ll lose weight and look great! Wear this expensive yoga outfit, do this expensive, fringe therapy, eat these manicured meals made by a top chef, eat these expensive superfoods, take all these supplements…it drives me nuts. Wellness needs to start with the basics, and there is nothing as basic as access to healthy foods. Wellness should be inclusive and appeal to anyone on any budget. Wellness is about getting everyone healthier. Anything else is just a luxury brand for people who can afford it. It’s no secret that low-income people with poor healthcare access and limited access to healthy foods have more chronic health issues than rich people. This concept is really what my parody on wellness takes on, and I hope you guys either read it or listen to the audibook. You can also listen to my podcast “Wellness is a luxury brand” here.
This is why Ashley Tyrner’s company and ambition appealed to me. Her company, FarmboxRx, is about getting healthy and fresh foods to low-income and senior communities. Physicians can prescribe these food boxes for their patients, and Farmbox is partnering with a growing number of health insurance companies. Farmbox recently partnered with the USDA.
In this Causes or Cures podcast, she discusses the beginnings of Farmbox, how the program works, the types of food in one box, successful case studies and current research, partnerships with health insurance companies and how anyone interested can sign up with Farmbox.
You guys can liste to the episode with Ashley Tyrner here!
Hope you subscribe & share too & thanks to everyone who already has. If you have ideas for shows or blogs, I’m always open to listening.